Tohle se ke mě dostalo přes instagram.Tak prosím šiřte tento vzkaz. Vím že každý druhý říká ,, já s tím stejně nic nezmůžu"
Tak udělejte alespoň tohle málo.Lepší než neudělat nic.
Manifesto for Peace: End the War in Ukraine
We, the people of this world, call for the immediate end of the war in Ukraine. War takes innocent lives, destroys families, dreams, and futures. Every day of conflict brings more pain, more tears, and more lost lives.
Children should grow up in safety, not in the shadow of weapons. Parents should not have to bury their children. No one should lose their home, dignity, and hope because of war.
We call on leaders and nations to act with courage and compassion. We want diplomacy instead of violence, dialogue instead of hatred, unity instead of division. It’s time to end the suffering. It’s time to restore peace.
Sign this manifesto and add your voice to those who believe that humanity is stronger than war.
End the war. Save lives. Restore peace.
Tohle se ke mě dostalo přes instagram.Tak prosím šiřte tento vzkaz. Vím že každý druhý říká ,, já s tím stejně nic nezmůžu"
Tak udělejte alespoň tohle málo.Lepší než neudělat nic.
Manifesto for Peace: End the War in Ukraine
We, the people of this world, call for the immediate end of the war in Ukraine. War takes innocent lives, destroys families, dreams, and futures. Every day of conflict brings more pain, more tears, and more lost lives.
Children should grow up in safety, not in the shadow of weapons. Parents should not have to bury their children. No one should lose their home, dignity, and hope because of war.
We call on leaders and nations to act with courage and compassion. We want diplomacy instead of violence, dialogue instead of hatred, unity instead of division. It’s time to end the suffering. It’s time to restore peace.
Sign this manifesto and add your voice to those who believe that humanity is stronger than war.
End the war. Save lives. Restore peace.
Tohle se ke mě dostalo přes instagram.Tak prosím šiřte tento vzkaz. Vím že každý druhý říká ,, já s tím stejně nic nezmůžu"
Tak udělejte alespoň tohle málo.Lepší než neudělat nic.
Manifesto for Peace: End the War in Ukraine
We, the people of this world, call for the immediate end of the war in Ukraine. War takes innocent lives, destroys families, dreams, and futures. Every day of conflict brings more pain, more tears, and more lost lives.
Children should grow up in safety, not in the shadow of weapons. Parents should not have to bury their children. No one should lose their home, dignity, and hope because of war.
We call on leaders and nations to act with courage and compassion. We want diplomacy instead of violence, dialogue instead of hatred, unity instead of division. It’s time to end the suffering. It’s time to restore peace.
Sign this manifesto and add your voice to those who believe that humanity is stronger than war.
End the war. Save lives. Restore peace.
Tohle se ke mě dostalo přes instagram.Tak prosím šiřte tento vzkaz. Vím že každý druhý říká ,, já s tím stejně nic nezmůžu"
Tak udělejte alespoň tohle málo.Lepší než neudělat nic.
Manifesto for Peace: End the War in Ukraine
We, the people of this world, call for the immediate end of the war in Ukraine. War takes innocent lives, destroys families, dreams, and futures. Every day of conflict brings more pain, more tears, and more lost lives.
Children should grow up in safety, not in the shadow of weapons. Parents should not have to bury their children. No one should lose their home, dignity, and hope because of war.
We call on leaders and nations to act with courage and compassion. We want diplomacy instead of violence, dialogue instead of hatred, unity instead of division. It’s time to end the suffering. It’s time to restore peace.
Sign this manifesto and add your voice to those who believe that humanity is stronger than war.
End the war. Save lives. Restore peace.
Tohle se ke mě dostalo přes instagram.Tak prosím šiřte tento vzkaz. Vím že každý druhý říká ,, já s tím stejně nic nezmůžu"
Tak udělejte alespoň tohle málo.Lepší než neudělat nic.
Manifesto for Peace: End the War in Ukraine
We, the people of this world, call for the immediate end of the war in Ukraine. War takes innocent lives, destroys families, dreams, and futures. Every day of conflict brings more pain, more tears, and more lost lives.
Children should grow up in safety, not in the shadow of weapons. Parents should not have to bury their children. No one should lose their home, dignity, and hope because of war.
We call on leaders and nations to act with courage and compassion. We want diplomacy instead of violence, dialogue instead of hatred, unity instead of division. It’s time to end the suffering. It’s time to restore peace.
Sign this manifesto and add your voice to those who believe that humanity is stronger than war.
End the war. Save lives. Restore peace.
Tohle se ke mě dostalo přes instagram.Tak prosím šiřte tento vzkaz. Vím že každý druhý říká ,, já s tím stejně nic nezmůžu"
Tak udělejte alespoň tohle málo.Lepší než neudělat nic.
Manifesto for Peace: End the War in Ukraine
We, the people of this world, call for the immediate end of the war in Ukraine. War takes innocent lives, destroys families, dreams, and futures. Every day of conflict brings more pain, more tears, and more lost lives.
Children should grow up in safety, not in the shadow of weapons. Parents should not have to bury their children. No one should lose their home, dignity, and hope because of war.
We call on leaders and nations to act with courage and compassion. We want diplomacy instead of violence, dialogue instead of hatred, unity instead of division. It’s time to end the suffering. It’s time to restore peace.
Sign this manifesto and add your voice to those who believe that humanity is stronger than war.
End the war. Save lives. Restore peace.
Tohle se ke mě dostalo přes instagram.Tak prosím šiřte tento vzkaz. Vím že každý druhý říká ,, já s tím stejně nic nezmůžu"
Tak udělejte alespoň tohle málo.Lepší než neudělat nic.
Manifesto for Peace: End the War in Ukraine
We, the people of this world, call for the immediate end of the war in Ukraine. War takes innocent lives, destroys families, dreams, and futures. Every day of conflict brings more pain, more tears, and more lost lives.
Children should grow up in safety, not in the shadow of weapons. Parents should not have to bury their children. No one should lose their home, dignity, and hope because of war.
We call on leaders and nations to act with courage and compassion. We want diplomacy instead of violence, dialogue instead of hatred, unity instead of division. It’s time to end the suffering. It’s time to restore peace.
Sign this manifesto and add your voice to those who believe that humanity is stronger than war.
End the war. Save lives. Restore peace.
Jak někdo může srovnávat mzdy v Německu a u nás vůbec nechápu !!!
Nemůžeme přeci chtít německý plat a české ceny všeho ostatního.Tyhle články akorát v lidech ktří si tohle neuvědomují vzbuzují závist !!!
Dnes máme dobu kdy každý kdo doopravdy chce si může vydělat doopravdy hodně peněz.
Bohužel je v dnešní době strašně hodně lidí kteří chtějí málo práce a balík peněz, tak to ale nefunguje !!!
A jak to souvisí s tou velkou baterií v elektromobilu a technologiemi separátorů jako je Z Folding apod?
Lidé už z té ničím neopodstatněné nenávisti začínají fakt blbnout.
Normálně, prostě s to blbě hasí pane chytrolíne.
Můžete to jít vysvětlit těl lidm v Jižní Koreji že elektroauta jsou bezpečná !!!!!
Tohle se ke mě dostalo přes instagram.Tak prosím šiřte tento vzkaz. Vím že každý druhý říká ,, já s tím stejně nic nezmůžu"
Tak udělejte alespoň tohle málo.Lepší než neudělat nic.
Manifesto for Peace: End the War in Ukraine
We, the people of this world, call for the immediate end of the war in Ukraine. War takes innocent lives, destroys families, dreams, and futures. Every day of conflict brings more pain, more tears, and more lost lives.
Children should grow up in safety, not in the shadow of weapons. Parents should not have to bury their children. No one should lose their home, dignity, and hope because of war.
We call on leaders and nations to act with courage and compassion. We want diplomacy instead of violence, dialogue instead of hatred, unity instead of division. It’s time to end the suffering. It’s time to restore peace.
Sign this manifesto and add your voice to those who believe that humanity is stronger than war.
End the war. Save lives. Restore peace.