
Restrictions on services and formats

Restriction of services

  • homepage – ban on ads:
    • All erotic advertising is prohibited, including at nighttime hours.
    • Spirits, i.e. more than 20% alcohol (only guaranteed advertising targeting users over 18 years of age is allowed).
    • Advertising for products supporting erection is not allowed.
  • Email - ban on ads
    • with any animation, incl. animated GIF format
    • hard alcohol (more than 20% alcohol content)
  • - advertising ban on the following topics and elements:
    • Any content that is unsuitable for children under 12 years of age, such as violence, dating, social media and their counterparts, eroticism or suggestions thereof.
    • Medications
    • Alcoholic beverages
    • Energy drinks and any beverages containing caffeine (including colas)
    • Fast food
    • Nutritional supplements
    • Weight loss
    • Improving social status
    • Ads that can be confused with content, i.e. the product or the advertiser must be properly identified.
    • An ad that encourages children or others to buy.
    • Notice: Advertising space is not available through Sklik and the RTB open marketplace.
  • Seznam Zprávy
    • All erotic advertising is prohibited, including at nighttime hours.
    • Advertising for products supporting erection is not allowed.
    • All erotic advertising is prohibited, including at nighttime hours.
    • Advertising for products supporting erection is not allowed.

Format restrictions

Video spots may not contain TV and video content logos that could mislead the average user about the actual content provided.