Misleading messages and content - prohibited practices
We reserve the right to prohibit the display of advertising if we have been advised by a group of consumers or we have assessed that the advertising has elements of misleading advertising within the meaning of Section 2977 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended, or other unethical or fraudulent behaviour occurs on the landing page.
In the advertising space Seznam.cz, its partner network and in the Sklik advertising system and other services of Seznam.cz, it is forbidden to advertise:
- "Miraculous" products, preparations or services that promise an unlikely result with minimal effort or investment.
- Services based on regular automatic payments where the termination of the contractual relationship is disproportionately difficult for the end customer compared to the establishing of this contractual relationship.
- Websites listed in the list of risky e-shops (in czech language only) of the Czech Trade Inspection.
Other prohibited practices:
- An ad or part thereof that suggests a miraculous result, a product or service or ad content that attracts users to click in a misleading manner (for example, by means of unrelated graphics).
- A promise of winnings, an advertisement stating that "you have won" and similar false statements.
- It is forbidden to use clickbait messages in ads. E.g. “You won’t believe”, “You won’t believe what happened!”, “You’ll be shocked!”, “Everybody talk about it”, “You’ll get addicted”. Nevertheless some kind of exaggeration is allowed.
- Ads that mimic system or web alerts, error messages, dialogue windows, offers or request notifications, ads displaying non-functional web elements (such as closing buttons, text boxes, switches, “trick banners”).
- Advertisement must not disturb user in an inappropriate way while interacting with web page. As an aggressive or disturbing banner is considered a creative which changes colors for contrasting ones (e.g. black for white etc.); headlines or other significant graphic element; flashes or shaking.
- Advertising may not mimic the Seznam.cz server design or the design of other servers of Seznam.cz, a.s. listed on this site. This mainly means fonts, colours and graphics and control elements that are typical and characteristic of Seznam.cz's servers. In graphic advertising it is also prohibited to mimic the structure of a content server (especially Novinky.cz, Seznam Zprávy, Sport.cz, Super.cz, Proženy.cz and Stream.cz). This means that the banner must not mimic an article teaser, i.e. contain a title, a lead paragraph and a photo in a format and with text that the user could confuse with editorial content or with a teaser for editorial content.
- Deceptive deduction of offer validity (e.g., updates every day).