Trends in Online Marketing
All about advertising on and other marketing tips that give you the edge on your competitors at all times.
Real-time bidding (RTB) is an automated way of buying banner advertising with the ability to target specific audiences.
Native Advertising
A type of paid online advertising that aims not to distract the visitor’s experience.
Video ads
Thanks to the audiovisual format, video ads make it easier to present a product, tell a story and excite the audience. Video ads are also highly visible, unmissable and memorable.
Mobile Advertising
Mobile devices are becoming an increasingly important part of everyday life. You should not neglect them in your campaigns either.
Targeted advertising
Targeted advertising is today an integral part of online communication across all digital channels. Are you not using it yet? Check out our comprehensive overview of targeting options.
STDC is a methodology that deals with comprehensive campaign planning, from awareness raising (brand campaigns) through getting the potential customer interested and performance strategy up to customer care.