Horoskopy.cz is visited by almost half a million people every week
Horoskopy.cz is visited by more than 400 thousand people per week. Of these 60% are women.
Why advertise on Horoskopy.cz
The most visited astrology site
Every week, more than 400 thousand people visit Horoskopy.cz to find their current horoscope, personal biorhythm, card readings, numerology readings and the advice of fortune-tellers. Many of them return regularly.
Reach female audiences
60% of visitors are women.
Advanced targeting
Your targeting can be even more specific. Either to a selected region or behaviourally by interests or age. Targeted advertising is much more efficient than non-targeted. -
To build your brand and increase sales
You can pick from several ad formats of various sizes and locations. Some are better at enhancing brand awareness; others sell.
Half of mobile users
50% of people read Horoskopy.cz on their mobile phones, which corresponds more than 200 thousand real users a month. If you only want to target only those users, you can choose to show your ads on mobile devices alone.