Sklik will show your ad to those who are looking for you
You will appear in’s search results. You only pay for customers who visit you
Why choose Sklik
Your ad appears in’s search results
You only pay for customers who click through to your website. You will choose how much you want to spend.
You can be seen by 95% of the Czech internet population.
Your ad appears in search results and the most popular websites on the Czech internet:,, Prož,, homepage,,, and another 3,000 sites.
Be seen by those who are looking for you
The best way to make an impression is to be seen the moment a customer is actively looking for what you’re offering. They’ll never be happier to see you.
You can target specific regions.
If you’re a local business, you can target your ad to a specific region or town.
Thanks to statistics, you can monitor everything
With Sklik, you always know how many people clicked on your ad, how many registered and how many made a purchase. This way, you can easily evaluate the benefits of advertising.
You have full control
You have full control over your ad spending and the result. If the ads aren’t working as intended, you can change the copy or banners at any time.
How does Sklik work?
Client testimonials
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