Stream entertains 1.77 million viewers every week
They watch 4 million videos. 54% of Stream viewers are men.
Why advertise on Stream
The most visited Czech internet TV
Original shows, such as Výlety do minulosti, Kadeřnictví, Jak ušetřit, HitStory and stories for children attract 1.77 million people Stream every week.
Video ads work
Audiovisual advertising is the best way to increase awareness of your brand. It offers direct contact, generate emotions, is easy to remember and can express what is otherwise difficult to show. Once you shoot a video ad, nothing can be easier than putting it on the internet.
Advanced targeting
We can show your ad alongside a specific show or episode. Thanks to detailed sociodemographics, we know which audiences watch which shows. You can also target your advertising behaviourally, by interests, age or gender.
High “finishing” rate
On average, 40% of Stream viewers do not skip ads.
On computers, mobile devices and smart TVs
Stream is not just a website, but also an app for mobile, tablet and now also smart TV. All of these can show your ads.
Promo shows and product placement
If we work together, we can also come up with less conventional ways of promoting your business. We can, for example, use product placement. If it makes sense, we can even dedicate a full episode of one of our existing shows to your product, or make an entire show about you. We can also shoot your ad for you.
Two fifths of mobile users
41% of people watch Stream from their phone, which corresponds to 721 thousand real users a week. If you only want to target only those users, you can choose to show your ads on mobile devices only.